Phase 1: Getting Stable
Week 1: Program Introduction
Week 2: Where do I start?
Week 3: Why am I doing this?
Week 4: Setting Boundaries
Week 5: Accountability and Sponsors Week
Week 6: Cycle of Addiction
Week 7: Exit Strategies
Week 8: Self-Awareness, a journey towards healing Week
Week 9: Sacraments are the cornerstone of Grace
Week 10: Our Blessed Mother in our Battle for purity
Week 11:Cost/Benefit Exercise - Understanding the big picture of my behavior
Phase 2: Education
Week 12: God’s Plan for Sexuality
Week 13: What is Intimacy
Week 14: Biology and Chemistry of sex
Week 15: How porn damages us
Week 16: Know your enemy
Phase 3: Healing
Week 17 Cleansing of Sin and Fellowship With God
Week 18: River Under the River
Week 19: The Shame that Binds me
Week 20: Triggers and Early Warning Signs
Week 21: 3-I’s (Part 1)– What is it?
Week 22: 3-I’s (Part 2)– How it Works
Week 23: Using the 3-I’s - Practice Going Deeper
Week 24: True Intimacy and Re-writing Your Neural Pathways
Week 25: Identity Part 1: Discovering the False Self
Week 26: Identity Part 2: Dismantling the False Self
Week 27: Sources of Wounds (mother/father/historical)
Week 28: Affirmation and Denial
Week 29: Forgiveness
Week 30: Resolution of Woundedness / Transforming Pain
Week 31: Transformation in Christ Meditation Audio Exercise
Week 32: The Fine Line Between Love and Lust
Week 33: What Does It Mean to Be a Real Man?
Week 34: Being Accountable / Making Amends / Reconciliation
Week 35: When Will I Be Normal? Where Do We Go From Here?