Renunciation Prayers and Breaking Soul Ties (Catholic English version) - 8pg mini pamphlet - from $1
Renouncing negative spiritual influences is a powerful tool in addiction recovery and can be a critical step in the steps to freedom from bondage. Many compulsive or addictive behaviors can be the result of negative spiritual influences or oppression. The spiritual devestation of sex addiction can also result in unhealthy and damaging soul ties: 1 Cor 6:16 “Do you not know that whoever is united to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For it is said, 'The two shall be one flesh.' ” This 8-page mini pamphlet will guide the broken individual in breaking these destructive ties.
Folded size: 2 3/4” x 3 3/4” : Glossy paper
What is Renunciation of Spirits?
Many negative behaviors as well as compulsive or addictive behaviors can be the result of negative spiritual influences or oppression. An exercise of casting out negative spiritual influences can be a very powerful tool in changing these unwanted or even sinful behaviors and also in the recovery of many addictive and compulsive behaviors. This "casting out" of these spiritual influences is called "Renunciation of spirits". You have the authority to do this under Jesus Christ. (James 4:7).
Many of the influences that you will be renouncing may not have a direct connection to these behaviors, but each are emotional influences that are commonly found as contributing to these behaviors, that when triggered can frequently result in these sins or unwanted behaviors.
How does it work?
Listed below, there are several lists of compulsions, behaviors, and sins. Use the following example as a format to recite the prayer.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of….
Rejection, fear of rejection, abandonment, isolation, hatred.
Say (out loud, with authority and conviction): In the name of Jesus Christ,
I renounce the spirit of rejection,
I renounce the spirit of fear of rejection, I renounce the spirit of abandonment,
I renounce the spirit of isolation, I renounce the spirit of hatred
Then continue to the next group following the same
format. Renounce each of the behaviors or sins even if you don't think they relate to you.
In the name
of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of…..
Rejection, fear of rejection, rejection of self, abandonment, isolation, and hatred.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of….
Family strife, hatred of parents, hatred of siblings, contention, bickering, argumentativeness, quarreling, fighting, yelling, racism, division, disunity, and dissension.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of….
Lust, pornography, masturbation, promiscuity, homosexuality, bisexuality, lesbianism, adultery, orgies, sexual mis-identity, contraception, sterilization, abortion, polygamy, prostitution, pornographic magazines, internet pornography, fornication, bestiality, incest, rape, sexual abuse, pedophilia, exposure, frigidity, sexual deviant practices, sexual perversions, and all forms of sexual impurity.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of…. Rebellion, self-will, stubbornness, disobedience, antisubmissiveness, and defiance.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of…. Manipulation, possessiveness, dominance, and witchcraft.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of…. Judging, criticism, fault finding, denial, evil thoughts, accusation, perfectionism, false pride, vanity, ego,
frustration, criticism, irritability, intolerance, anger, and prejudice.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of….
Insecurity, inferiority, self-pity, loneliness, timidity, shyness, inadequacy, ineptness, and poor self-image.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of….
All diseases including all cancers, all autoimmune diseases, all viruses, all neurological disorders and all unknown or undiagnosed diseases.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of….
New Age religions, Occult, False Religions, Black magic, Sorcery, Pharmacia, Rebellion, incantations, Voodoo, Hoodoo, Satanism, Hexes, Pentagrams, Ankhs, Circles, Vexes, Blood Sacrifices, Blood Rituals, All Evil Spells, Soul Destruction, Angels of Light, Witch's, Warlocks, Charms, Potions, Psychic influence, Psychic heredity, curses, Control & Manipulation, Charismatic Witchcraft, Demonic Holds or Husbandry, Chanting, strongholds, bondage, Snares, Mental Illness, Mind Control, Misfortune, Poverty, Evil Imaginations, and all involvement & contact with the Occult & all Witchcraft known & unknown in my life and my ancestors right back to Adam & Eve
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of….
Jealousy, envy, suspicion, distrust, control, fear, worry, anxiety, hopelessness and selfishness, coveting.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of….
Withdrawal, pouting, daydreaming, fantasy, pretending and unreality.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of….
Passivity, indifference, listlessness, fatigue, tiredness, confusion, insomnia, exhaustion, sleepiness, restless- ness, weariness, lethargy and laziness.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of….
Depression, despair, despondency, discourage,ment, defeatism, negativism, dejection, hopelessness, suicide, death, lying, deceit and dishonesty.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of…. All forms of addiction or compulsion including: Drug addiction, internet addiction or technology addictions, social media addictions, porn addiction, video game addiction, sex addiction, alcohol addiction, gambling, all types of food addiction, caffeine addiction, work alcoholic addiction, and shopping addiction.
When finished, Pray 3 times:
Then Pray:
In the name of Jesus Christ, I break the power of everything l have renounced, and I command it to leave me now and to go straight to the foot of the Cross for Jesus to do with as He will. Amen.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I take authority over each and every evil spirit coming against me, and I bind you away. Lord, please seal my heart against any further attacks by the enemy and fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit, that I may walk in your abundant grace and mercy. Fill me with your incredible love, that it may permeate all dark and lonely places. Lord most of all please help me know how much you love me and how special I am to you. Amen!
Note: If the prayers do not seem to work immediately, do not despair! These are serious spiritual influences and a "once and done" approach will rarely work! There are numerous reasons God does not heal us and we may never know why. But Faith and persistance are paramount!
What are Soul Ties?
soul tie is like a supernatural connection at the soul level between two or more people. Biblically speaking, it links their souls together, which can bring forth both beneficial results or negative results. A soul tie can be established in many ways, but primarily through sexual relations. The positive effect of a soul tie: in a godly marriage, God links the two together and the Bible tells us that they become one flesh. As a result of them becoming one flesh, it binds them together and they will cleave onto one another in a unique way.
The purpose of this cleaving is to build a very healthy, strong and close relationship between a man and a woman. The negative effect of a soul tie: soul ties can also be used for the devil's advantage. Soul ties formed from sex outside of marriage causes a person to become defiled:
Gen 34:2 "And when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled her. And his soul cleaved unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob..."
1 Cor 6:16 "Do you not know that whoever is united to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For it is said, 'The two shall be one flesh.' "
1 Cor 6:18 "Shun fornication! Every sin that a person commits is outside the body; but the fornicator sins against the body itself."
Demonic spirits can take advantage of ungodly soul ties and use them to transfer spirits between one person to another. This transfer is extended to any person that they had sexual relations with as well. Imagine being tied to a person that you
had sex with, and every person that they had sex with in the past, and everyone that each one of those individuals had sex with as well. Your soul becomes fragmented to a potentially infinite level.
This can also understandably cause a person to lose a sense of "self". In some cases, demonic spirits can travel through these fragmented spirits through several levels. For example, if your girlfriend (whom you have had sexual relations with), had an ex-boyfriend, who had an ex-girlfriend that knowingly or unknowingly became associated with demonic spirits, in a soul tie, those demonic spirits can reach you. It is imperative to the health of your soul that you break these soul ties.
The following prayer on the next panel is said to specifically break soul ties linked through sexual experiences. First make a list of ALL sexual partners that you have had (even your spouse, as you don't know the status of their previous partners). Say the following prayer: (next panel)
"In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of His Cross and Blood, I take the sword of the Holy Spirit and cut myself free from all previous sexual partners. I especially cut myself free from (list of partners):
, , , etc. I cut myself free from these people physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. I not only cut myself free from these people, Lord, but I cut myself free from anyone and everyone they ever had sex with also. I now place the Cross and the Blood of Jesus between myself and each of these people. I pray for a total cleansing and purification of my mind, body, and spirit, so that I may walk in holiness, purification, and redemption. Lord, please seal my heart against any further attacks by the enemy about these distractive, unhealthy, unholy, and ungodly ties as you change them to be proper, constructive, healthy, holy and godly ties. Keep me ever close to you and please lead me into the future that you have prepared for me. Lord, please fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit, that I may walk in your abundant grace and mercy. Fill me with your incredible love, that it may permeate all dark and lonely places. Lord most of all please help me know how much you love me and how special I am to you. Amen!"
Please note that while this prayer can be said for oneself and be effective, for more serious situations, it may be necessary to involve a priest for more authority.