Road to Purity Store
Priest Sampler Kit - 3 each of 23 items (75 total pieces) $185.85 value
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Priest sampler kit contains 23 different items: (90 total pieces, $186 value)
3 ea Prayer Cards:
Litany of Humility
Litany of Purity (with Imprimatur)
Litany of Trust
Litany of Saint Joseph
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Litany St Michael
Litany of the Holy Guardian Angel
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Detailed Examination of Conscience
Litany of Spiritual Warfare
Renunciation of Spirits and Soul ties new prayer card
3 ea Holy Cards:
Act of Contrition
St Michael Prayer for battle
Surrender Prayer
Saint Maximillian Kolbe Addiction Prayer
Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Consecration to Mary
Consecration to St. Joseph
10 ea Pamphlets:
5 Keys to Freedom from Sexual Sin
So, What’s Wrong with Porn Anyway?
10 ea Access cards to Restoring God’s Foundation
3ea Winning the Battle for Sexual Purity books